When Betty Burwood won the national lottery, she and her husband, Bill, moved into abeautiful big bungalow and she bought herself a very expensive pearl necklaceThe following summer, the Burwoods decided to throw a party. Early on the afternoonof the party, Betty took her new silk dress out of the wardrobe and put her expensive pearlnecklace on her dressing-table ready to put on in the evening. Then, she went to see how thepreparations for the party were goingThe catering company had just arrived - a cook, Mrs. Moore, and her two helpers,Nancy and Harriet. They were all in the kitchen unpacking the piles of boxes which they hadbrought with them. Soon, the fourth member of the team, Charlie Chivers, arrived on hisbicycleBy six o' clock, everything was ready. The garden looked magnificent - with smallround tables and colorful chairs and sun shades. The food and drink was all laid out in thekitchen, ready to be brought out when the guests arrivedAt ten past six, Betty went to her bedroom to get ready. She showered and put on herbest silk dress. It was when she was brushing her hair that she realized that her pearls werenot on the dressing-table. "Bill," she said, "have you moved my pearls?" "No, dear,"answered Hill, "where were they?" "1 put them on the drussing-tabie this afternoon andthey're not here now. ""Are you sure?" asked Bill. "Maybe you put them down somewhereelse, or maybe you,ye moved them"For a quarter of an hour they searched for the missing pearls, but couldn't find themanywhere. It was then that they decided they must call the policeSoon, Inspector Morgan arrived and started to question all the suspectsRead Passage 1 and then try to give short answers 协 Questions 1-5. Write your answers on theAnswer Sheeti. Why could Betty afford an expensive necklace?2. Why did she take her necklace out early in the day?3. How many people were there in the catering company?4. What do you think was in the boxes?5. Did the Burwoods call the police after they couldn't find the pear's?Read again and then fill in the following blanks numbered 6-10 with the information from the passage. Write you answers on the Answer Sheet