固定制造费用的闲置能量差异是( )。 A.实际产量标准工时未能达到生产能量而造成的损失 B.实际工时未达到标准生产能量而形成的差异 C.实际工时脱离标准工时而形成的差异 D.固定制造费用的实际金额脱离预算金额而形成的差异
Please fill the blanks in the following question of instalment shipments to denote the similarities (3), 4), 7), 8)) and differences (1), 2), 5), 6)) between Example 1 and 2. Instalment shipments in Example 1 1st. 10,000 kgs latest on 30 April, 200× 2nd. 10,000 kgs latest on 31 May, 200× 3rd. 10,000 kgs latest on 30 June, 200× 1)The 2nd and 3rd shipments may be effected by the time of the ______ shipment. 2)The 3rd shipment may be effected by the time of the ______ shipment. 3)If the 1st shipment is not effected by 30 April, the credit would cease to be available for the ______ and the ______ shipments. 4)If the 1st shipment has been effected in time, and the 2nd shipment is not effected by 31 May, the credit would cease to be available for the ______ shipment. Instalment shipment in Example 2 4th, 10,000 kgs between 1 April, 200× to 30 April, 200× 5th, 10,000 kgs between 1 May, 200× to 31 May, 200× 6th, 10,000 kgs between 1 June, 200× to 30 June, 200 × 5)The 5th and 6th shipments may ______ be effected by the time of the 4th shipment. 6)The 6th shipment may ______ be effected by the time of the Sth shipment. 7)If the 4th shipment is not effected by 30 April, the credit would cease to be available for the ______ and the ______ shipments. 8)If the 4th shipment has been effected in time and the 5th shipment is not effected by 31 May, the credit would cease to be available for the ______ shipment.