Well, we went into the house and tried to light a fire, but we couldn’t even do that. We always kept our matches in our trouser pockets, so naturally they were all soaked. We couldn’t find anything to , except one tin of cat food. We were so , we broke it open with our knives, and ate it. (In Your Own Words)Naturally, when the White Man started taking all the Indians’ land, the Indians started fighting back. They wanted to stop the White Man taking it all for himself. But the White Man was and cleverer. Slowly he pushed the into those parts of the continent that he didn’t want—the parts where it was too cold or too dry or too mountainous to live comfortably. (American Indians)So my favourite newspaper is obviously very different from those popular papers that have a circulation of several million. But that does not mean that it is “better” or that they are “” . We are not comparing like with . A publisher printing a newspaper with a circulation of several million is running a highly successful commercial operation. The people who buy his product are obviously satisfied customers and in a free society everybody should have the right to buy whatever kind of newspaper he pleases. (British Newspapers)So what should an old person do to counter-act these changes? He she should eat a balanced diet—not too much fat—chicken or fish should be eaten rather than eggs or beef. Eat more high fibre and vitamin rich foods, such vegetable and fruit. The old person should give up smoking if he hasn’t already done so. He should also do regular exercise—at least half an hour, three times a week. No section of the population can benefit more from exercise than the elderly. (Old Age and Health)There’s been a lot of protest lately against nuclear power—some people will protest at anything—but nuclear power-stations are not as as some people say. It’s far more dangerous to work down a coal-mine or on a North Sea oil-rig. Safety regulations in power-stations are very . (Energy Crisis)Not so very long ago it would have been really unusual to pay ₤1 million for a house. Unfortunately this is no longer so. The decline in the real value of money over the past few years has made property values . The cheap house is a thing of the . Now, the sale of a ₤1 million house no longer causes surprise, nor is it likely to be the subject of a newspaper article. (Estate Agent)Another strand of thought is that we should concentrate individual excellence by cutting out the team games featured in the programme. And Mrs. Patel suggested we ought to focus attention the more unusual sports in the programme which do not normally gain so much international attention. (Olympics)The old people think I know everything because I’ve been to school, but the old people have the kind of experience which allows them to understand our problems. They think it is easy somehow to come back here. They think there is nothing else. They do not that there are things I miss on the outside. They do not understand enough to be friends. They are kind, and they are glad that I am educated, but they do not understand my problems. They do not understand loneliness… (Autobiography: Seminole Girl)Very often a job or a curriculum vitae will contain basic grammatical or careless spelling mistakes, even from university graduates. Then those that do get as far as an interview become inarticulate or clumsy when they try to talk about themselves. It doesn’t matter how highly qualified or brilliant you may be, if you come across as tongue-tied and gauche, your chances of getting a job are pretty . (Getting a Job)There are many why a student might not do well on a test in school. A person may do poorly on an intelligence test because he did not have a proper education and not because he is stupid. Also, some of the problems and questions of tests are not fair to certain groups of people. (What Is a Koto?)