  • 题目: 未知类型

      Revise the following e-mail message. And the formatting of the message is to be scored.

      TO: Andrea Kana

      This message is in response to your recent inquiry about mail costs. Your message of April 30 said that you wanted a brief explanation of what is being done in Mail Services to cut back on overall costs. I can tell you that I've been doing many things to cut costs.

      For one thing. l' m trying very hard to locate duplicate names and addresses inadvertently included in our mailing lists. This problem is particularly difficult when we merge multiple mailing lists. Another thing l'm doing relates to envelope size. Departments that use envelopes larger than 631 by 1131 are costing us a lot of money. which they do not realize. Therefore. 1 am making a proposal to all departments to limit the envelope size.

      Finally. l' m looking into the possibility of presorting some of our first- and third-class mail. Mailings that are presorted are charged less.

      George Miller

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