Claim reimbursement by means of a Time draftA Credit available by acceptance 1.Name of Issuing Bank Place and date of issue Dresdner Bank Hamburg, 15 April, 200 x To: China National Light Indus- This Credit is advised through trial Products Imp. & Exp. ICBC, Tianjin Corp., Tianjin Branch, Tianjin Dear Sirs, By order and for account of the applicant, we hereby issue an Irrevocable Documentary Credit No. H169087 for USD25,730.00 to expire on 31 May, 200× at Tianjin available with The Industrial and Commercial Bank of China, Tianjin by acceptance against beneficiary's draft at 90 days sight drawn on ICBC, Tianjin (advising bank) and the documents detailed herewith: ______________________________________________________________________________ Partial shipments not allowed. Transhipment allowed. All charges outside Issuing Bank's country including acceptance commission are for account of beneficiary. ______________________________________________________________________________ If this Credit shall be duly accepted on presentation to drawee bank and duly honoured at maturity. ______________________________________________________________________________ Bank-to-Bank Instructions: Accepting bank is to draw their time draft on Bank of America, New York payable at a fixed future time i. e. maturity of accepted beneficiary's drafts. Reimbursements under this Credit are subject to the Uniform Rules for Bank-to-Bank Reimbursements under Documentary Credit, ICC Publication No. 725. 2. From: Dresdner Bank, Hamburg To: Bank of A.merica, New York Reimbursement Authorisation We hereby issue a Reimbursement Authorisation to you to accept and pay a time draft drawn on you subject to Uniform Rules for Bank-to-Bank Reimbursements under Documentary Credits, ICC Publication No. 725 upon receipt of such draft presented by the Claiming Bank——The Industrial and Commercial Bank of China, Tianjin in accordance with the following: (1)Credit number: H169087 (2)Currency and amount: USD25, 730. 00 (3)Additional amounts payable: no (4)Claiming Bank: ICBC, Tianjin (5)Parties responsible for charges: beneficiary (6)Tenor of draft: maturity of accepted beneficiary's draft (7)Drawer: ICBC, Tianjin (8)Party responsible for acceptance commission: beneficiary 3. beneficiary's draft Due 3 August, 200× Exchange for USD25, 730. 00 Tianjin, 4 May, 200× At 90 days sight pay to the order of Ourselves the sum of US dollars twenty five thousand seven hundred and thirty only Drawn under Dresdner Bank, Hamburg L/C No. H169087 dated 15 April, 200×. To The Industrial and Commercial Bank of China, Tianjin For China National Light Industrial Products Imp. & Exp. Corp., Tianjin Branch, Tianjin signature ACCEPTED 5 May, 200× to mature 3 Aug., 200× For The Industrial and Commercial Bank of China, Tianjin signature 4.Please fill the following particulars in two blank forms to write a Letter of Reimburse Claim and to issue a Time Draft: (1)Addressee or drawee: Bank of America, New York (2)Sender or drawer: The Industrial and Commercial Bank of China, Tianjin (3)Amount: USD25,730.00 (4)Date of Letter of Reimbursement Claim and Draft: 24 July, 200× (5)Predetermined reimbursement date: 3 Aug., 200× (6)Payee: ICBC, Tianjin (7)Accounting procedure: crediting our Head Office account with you under your telex advice to us quoting our Ref. No. BP87654321. (8)Drawn clause: Drawn under Dresdner Bank, Hamburg L/C No. H169087 dated 15 April, 200×