  • 题目: 填空题
    Translate the following sentences into English.

    J=Jane (Receptionist) S=Stephen Nobel (Guest)
    J: (晚上好。请问几位?)
    S: Two.
    J: (你们愿意坐哪儿?)
    S: (我们想坐在窗旁边,) so that we can enjoy the view of the lake.
    J: I’m sorry, sir. (靠近窗户的桌子都有人了。那张怎么样?) Though it is further back, it still offers a view of the lake.
    S: Yes, I can accept it.
    J: That’s fine. Would you follow me, please? (这是您的桌子。)
    S: It’s number 15 and your waiter will be here right away.

      答案: <查看本题扣1积分>

