  • 题目: 未知类型

      A B/L which is preprinted "shipped on board" and cargo is shipped in container shows as follows:

        Pre-carriage by            Place of Receipt

         Vessel A                 Karachi

        Ocean Vessel              Port of loading

         Vessel B                 Karachi

        The port of loading and port of discharge as stipulated in the credit appears in the respective boxes on the B/L.

        a) The credit stipulates transhipment prohibited.

        (1)( ) The B/L is acceptable.

        (2)( ) The B/L may be rejected due to transhipment occurred.

        b) During the course of ocean carriage, transhipment means

        (3)( ) unloading and reloading from the pre-carriage (or feeder) vessel (Vessel A) to the ocean vessel (Vessel B) from the initial origin port to the port of loading.

        (4)( ) unloading and reloading from one ocean vessel to another ocean vessel from the port of loading to the port of discharge stipulated in the credit.

        c) Loaded on board or shipped on a named vessel refers to:

        (5)( ) a pre-carriage (or feeder) vessel.

        (6)( ) an ocean vessel.

        d) Whether an on board notation should be borne in the B/L?

        (7)( ) The B/L need not bear an on board notation as it has been preprinted the said wording.

        (8)( ) As two different vessels appear in the B/L, it would need an on board notation which clearly shows the goods were loaded on board the name of ocean vessel (Vessel B) and port of loading (Karachi), then transhipment would not be occurred.

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