A . 清热镇惊
B . 清热豁痰
C . 凉肝熄风
D . 清心开窍
E . 补虚治本
There were a hundred or more of us in the boat. We were all shut in, because the weather was so bad and most people were sick, because it was very stuffy. There was a terrible smell of , I remember. Lots of men thought we should go back to . It wasn’t called “France” then, of course. (American Indians)There are many films about the fight between the Indians and the White Man. Usually in these films the Indians are bad and the White Man is good and brave. But was it really like that? What do you think? Do you think the were right or wrong to fight the White Man? (American Indians)As the approached the runway they could see fire trucks and ambulances speeding along beside the runway with their lights flashing. There was a tremendous thump as the wheels hit the tarmac, bounced twice, raced along the runway and screeched to a halt. The first airport truck was there in seconds. “That’s nearly a perfect landing. Well done!” shouted the control tower. “Thanks,” said the man, “Any chance of a ?” (Night Flight)We had to leave so early in the morning and we came home so late at night that we hardly ever saw each other. We should have come here years ago, but we were earning such big salaries that we were afraid to leave our jobs. In the end we had so time together that our marriage was breaking up. So two years ago, we took a week’s holiday in the Scottish Highlands. We saw this place and we both in love with it. (A New Way of Life)Probably many of the fears that people have of growing old are greatly exaggerated. Most people, for example, dread becoming . But in fact very few people become senile. Perhaps only about 15% of those over 65 become senile. Actually a much more common problem is in fact caused by we doctors ourselves. And that is over-. (Old Age and Health)You can save more energy by conservation than you can produce for the same money. Unless we do research on solar energy, wind power, wave power, tidal power, hydroelectric schemes etc., our fossil fuels will run , and we’ll all freeze or starve to death. Other countries are spending much more than us on research, and don’t forget that energy from the sun, the waves and the wind lasts . We really won’t survive unless we start working on cleaner, safer sources of energy. (Energy Crisis)Also the trend of going out to eat is dying out due to rising prices of restaurant and transport, so people are once more beginning to entertain and dine at , which requires a larger dining room. There are numerous new developments in London at the moment which can provide all this and more—if you have the ! (Estate Agent)Well, let’s not get too heated about it, as this is only a preliminary discussion about possibilities and we are not yet in a position to any final decisions. I will, however, briefly summarize what has been said so far, as I understand it. Mrs. Armstrong is totally opposed to reducing the size of the Games in any way at all. There is one body of opinion in favour removing from the Games those sports which are already well represented in other international contests and in the media. (Olympics)After I graduated from high school, I went to business college, because in high school I didn’t take courses that would prepare me for the university. I realized that there was for me to do. All I could do was go back to the . (Autobiography: Seminole Girl)It is not just test-givers who make judgements about intelligence, however. Most of us make educated guesses inferences about how smart or intelligent a person is from the way he does certain things. We usually call people intelligent if they learn quickly, know answers to a lot of questions, and can difficult problems. (What Is a Koto?)