  • 题目: 未知类型

      Wether Truck Waybill or (Rail Waybill)/( Railway Consignment Note) is provided with the following functions or characteristics,

        (1) It is a receipt of goods.                    ( ) Yes/( ) No

        (2) It is a contract of carriage.                  ( ) Yes/( ) No

        (3) It is a document of title.                    ( ) Yes/( ) No

        (4) It is a negotiable document.                   ( ) Yes/( ) No

        (5) It may control the delivery of the goods.            ( ) Yes/( ) No

        (6) Type of delivery is that under Truck Waybill, goods are delivered to the consignee and under Rail Waybill, goods are released on application and proof of identity.

                                           ( ) Yes/( ) No

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