Mary spoke to her teacher with understandable pride in the past. _________
Every country has traffic rules and signs, but are they the same? In most countries, there are street and road signs with 21________ about location,directions,dangers,cautions, and rules of the road. These 22 _________ tell drivers and pedestrians what to do and what not to do,including speed and parking 23 ________,places to stop,when to make turns,and other 24________.However, specific local traffic laws and practices usually differ around the world. For instance, in Japan, Indonesia, South Africa, the United Kingdom, and other countries ,steering 25________are on the right side of vehicles ,and cars and trucks drive on the left side of the road. In other 26 _________,such as the United States,Saudi Arabia,Italy, and Mexico,steering wheels are on the left side of vehicles ,and cars and trucks 27________on the right side of the road. An illustration of a local 28________law is the regulations for pedestrian and school 29 ________ in some Mexican cities:drivers rarely respect the rules,so for safety, people cross streets only at stop lights, on roads with little traffic, or on pedestrian-only 30 _________ across wide avenues.
2013年,我国农村居民人均纯收入达到8896元,扣除价格因素实际增长9.3%,高出GDP实际增速1.6个百分点。农村居民人均纯收入实际增速高于城镇居民人均可支配收入实际增速2.3个百分点。其中工资性收入4025元,占人家纯收入的45.2%,比上年名义增长16.8%,家庭经营纯收入3793元,占42.6%,名义增长7.4%,转移性收入784元,占8.9%,名义增长14.2%;财产性收入294元,占3.3%,名义增长17.7%。 2013 年,农村居民人均消费支出6626元,同比增长9%,增幅比城镇居民人均现金消费支出增速快3.6个百分点。全年农民工总量26849万人,比上年增加 633万人,其中,本地农民工10284万人,增长3.6%;外出农民工16610万人,增长1.7%。外出农民工月均收入水平2609元,增长 13.9%。 2013年,城镇居民人均可支配收入26955元,比上年名义增长9.7%。在城镇居民人均总收入中,工资性收入名义增长9.2%,经营净收入名义增长9.8%,财产性收入名义增长14.6%,转移性收入名义增长10.1%。 2009—2013年我国居民收入情况
以下最小的胎头前后径线是( )。