  • 题目: 未知类型






        Ⅰ. You are a document checker at the Advising Bank. Check the attached movement document, which was presented on Monday, 10 September, against the attached Documentary Credit.

        Assumptions: 1. All signatures are original.

        Ⅱ. There are no bank holidays in this period.


        Which of the following statements relating to the attached Transport Document are correct?

        A. 1) The document is acceptable with regard to transhipment.

         2) The document is consistent with the Incoterm quoted.

         3) The document is acceptable as an air transport document.

         4) The consignor/consignee and notify parties are acceptable.

           (1)( ) 1) and 3) only

           (2)( ) 1) and 4) only

           (3)( ) 2) and 3) only

           (4)( ) 2) and 4) only

        B. 1) The description of goods complies with the Documentary Credit.

         2) The Transport Document is clean.

         3) Sufficient details regarding conditions of carriage are shown.

         4) Late shipment effected.

         (1)( ) 1), 2) and 3) only

         (2)( ) 1), 2) and 4) only

         (3)( ) 1), 3) and 4) only

         (4)( ) 2), 3) and 4) only


        C. 1) The documents were presented within 15 days of the Air Transport Document.

         2) The documents were presented within the expiry date of the Documentary Credit.

         3) The Transport Document is consigned directly to the buyer.

         4) The Transport Document shows the actual date of dispatch 24 August.

         (1)( ) 1) and 3) only

         (2)( ) 1) and 4) only

         (3)( ) 2) and 3) only

         (4)( ) 2) and 4) only

        D. 1) Goods were dispatched on flight number BA 456.

         2) The carrier is Skyline Enterprises.

         3) This document is acceptable as a "Full Set" of Transport Documents.

         4) The applicant may be able to acquire the goods without this document.

           (1)( ) 1) and 3) only

           (2)( ) 1) and 4) only

           (3)( ) 2) and 3) only

           (4)( ) 3) and 4) only

        E. 1) The shipper is acceptable against the Documentary Credit.

        2) The Air Transport Document is a Negotiable Document.

        3) The "On Board" stamp requires a signature.

        4) The number of rolls shown is acceptable.

         (1)( ) 1) and 3) only

         (2)( ) 1) and 4) only

         (3)( ) 2) and 3) only

         (4)( ) 3) and 4) only

    答案: <查看本题扣1积分>

