A . 控制饮食
B . 应用胰岛素
C . 胎儿易在临产前突然死亡
D . 容易发生酸中毒
E . 饮食无特殊要求
根据以下材料回答题: Age DiscriminationBy the year 2000 nearly half the workforce in Europe are over 40 and yet throughout Europe there is a deep ambivalence ( 犹豫 )-if not outright suspicion-towards the capabilities of older workers.Those over the age of 40 generally take longer to find new employment, but European governments have done little to protect their employment rights. Only Germany, with incentives to business to encourage the employment of older people, and France, with the introduction of legislation making it illegal to use age barriers in recruitment-or to make employees redundant because of their age done anything substantive to combat age discrimination.Yet even in these two countries, there has been no noticeable improvement in the lot of the older workers; indeed, in France, job advertisements flout ( 轻视,反对 ) the law openly by asking for applicants of a certain age. So, should France and Germany be tightening up their laws and should the rest of Europe follow suit?Bill Robbins, a careers consultant said, "Legislation against age discrimination has been in existence for well over ten year in the U.S. and Canada, but has had no effect. Employers will always be able to find some reasons for turning down an older applicant without appearing to break the law."Ironically, it was governments which played a leading role in hardening business culture against older workers in the first place. In the late 1970s, many European countries were extremely concerned about the levels of youth unemployment, and France, Germany and Belgium even initiated incentive schemes for businesses to encourage older employees to take early retirement provided that younger trainees were taken on in their place. As more and more employees took early retirement, often willingly, a new, youth-oriented culture permeated business throughout most of Europe-even in those countries that had taken no active measures to promote it.Demographic ( 人口统计学的 ) trends mean that governments are now anxious to slow down the policy of early retirement as they realize that they simply do not have the funds to meet their pension promises. But reversing business attitudes is no easy matter. Dianah Worman a policy adviser said, "There is a widely held belief that older people are less, adaptable and trainable. This is just not true: research has shown that differences in capability are as wide within age groups as they are between them."Which of the following words can best describe the European attitude to older workers?
行为观察、情境测验、评语属于幼儿园教学评价中的( )。
一个理想的数学模型需满足模型的复杂性。( )
沙漠治理是公认的世界性难题,鄂尔多斯人另辟溪径,变“征服沙漠”为“善待自然”。他们把沙漠绿化、沙产品开发和生态旅游有机结合,实现了生态环境和经济效益的双赢,创造了令人瞩目的“鄂尔多斯发展模式”。这给我们的哲学启示() ①.只有充分发挥主观能动性,认识才能决定实践②.必须坚持发挥主观能动性和尊重客观规律性的结合③.正确的认识能够指导实践取得成功④.人们能改造规律,造福人类