  • 题目: 未知类型

      The Rules for Making Good Biluo Chun Tea

        1. Draw cold water fronl the tap;

        2. When the kettle boils,heat the teapot,keeping its inside as dry as possible;

        3. Put the tea in the teapot.The amount will vary according to the number of people and the strength which they like their tea.As a general rule,use one teaspoonful for each person and an extra"one for the pot";

        4. Pour the boiling water on to the tea and stir well;

        5. Place a cozy over teapot;

        6. Leave the tea to infuse for five minutes;

        7. Put milk and sugar(if required)in the teacups;

        8. Start pouring the tea into the cups and then,half filling them,and then top up the teapot with freshly boiled water.Fill the cups and then up the teapot again if the second cup of tea is required.

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