  • 题目: 未知类型
    Read Passage 2 and then decide whether each of Statements 21-25 is True or False according to the information given in the passage. Write "T" for true and "F" for false on the Answer Sheet.

      Passage 2

      How can we ease the process of coming to terms with a new culture?Everyone going to work or study in an alien culture for any length of time will experience culture shock. Sooner or later frustrations and despondency stemming from trying to come to terms with unfamiliar ways will arise. However , it' s possible to take steps to lessen the severity of culture shock and to hasten adjustment to the culture of the new country , to the host culture.

      First , newcomers need to remember that the host culture has its own reasons for doing things in a certain way. When you run up against difficulties , try to avoid the simple assumption that people are behaving in an unreasonable or hostile fashion. Be more charitable. Assume instead that your expectations were thwarted because you didn' t yet quite grasp the local ways. Suspend judgment until you are sure you understand the case fully.

      Such understanding can come from several sources. One of the most important is from those who come from the same cultural background , who have gone through the same experience and successfully adjusted to life in the new environment. Adaptation is on occasion a two-way process. British workers in a Japanese factory in England have to learn to adapt to the different work practices imported by their Japanese managers from Japan; at the same time the latter have to become acclimatized to life in England....

      21. Only a few people may experience culture shock when they come to a new culture.

      22. It is important to understand that different cultures have different ways of doing things.

      23. People tend to show hostile behavior. when they are in a foreign country.

      24. It is useful to talk to people who are newly adjusted to the new culture.

      25. It is enough for the newcomers in a culture to adapt themselves.

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